Local Stakeholder Consultation Meeting
VCS 3356: Changing Lives through Improved Cooking in the Philippines
(VERRA VCS + SD VISta Grouped Project)
SD Projects is developing improved cookstove projects in the Philippines under Verra – Voluntary Carbon Standard (VCS). “Changing Lives via Improved Cooking Initiatives – Philippines” (CLiC-Philippines) is a voluntary initiative taken by SD Projects, a social enterprise focused on reducing deforestation in megadiverse hotspots and changing the lives of the most vulnerable communities by improving household economics, health, gender equality and overall quality of life. The purpose of the grouped VCS project is to disseminate energy efficient improved cookstoves (ICS) in domestic households and communities throughout the Philippines.
Through the distribution and installation of our efficient wood/charcoal cookstoves, we aim to reduce the use of non-renewable biomass for cooking of the most vulnerable households in the rural areas to climate change. We’re primarily focusing on Indigenous Peoples and communities within protected, irreplaceable forestry, home to countless critically endangered species.
To better implement the project, SD Projects is seeking feedback through a stakeholder consultation process that seeks to gather comments and suggestions.
Please let us know if you’ll be able to make it by filling out the form below.